minirodini xmasStamattina ho ricevuto una bella notizia natalizia da Mini Rodini: questa qui! 🙂 Today in the morning I received a very good Christmas news from Mini Rodini: this one! 🙂

Holiday season is almost here, which is why we wanted to give you a little gift in the true holiday spirit. Type happyholidays in the checkout and you will receive 13€ / 100:- / 15$ / £10 off your order. Make sure to get something special for you or someone you like!

This year you also have the chance to win something from our current collection! Simply share any of our products in our online shop on Pinterest or Instagram using the hashtag #minirodiniwishlist. On Christmas Day, Mini Rodini will randomly select a lucky winner that gets 100€ worth from their wishlist!

If you need inspiration we have put together a gift guide for you filled with perfect picks. http://www.minirodini.com/holiday-gift-guide

From Mini Rodini with love…

Che bello! Uno sconto e un concorso! Come non approfittarne? That’s great! A discount and a contest! How can we not take advantage?



Manca poco al nostro viaggetto! La nostra lista (questa qui) si sta facendo più lunga: domani l’aggiorneremo con quella definitiva! It is shortly to our little trip! Our list (this one) is making longer: I’ll update it tomorrow with the final one!

Intanto stamattina andiamo dal dottore perchè la mia otite non migliora e mi tocca prendere un bell’antibiotico 😦 per fortuna Sissi sembra stare bene…  Meanwhile, this morning we go to the doctor because my otitis does not improve and I have to take a antibiotic. 😦 luckily Sissi seems to be fine …

Per divertirci un po’ oggi abbiamo abbinato un tenero coniglio… con una stampa animalier! Quante risate pensando al coniglietto vicino al leopardo! To have some fun ‘today we have combined a sweet rabbit… with an animal print! How many laughs thinking about the bunny near the leopard!

Ecco l’outfit, che ne dite? Here is the outfit, what do you think?


Sweater Zara Kids (similar here)

Pants Mini Rodini

Socks Calzedonia Kids

Boots Prada Junior